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Priding ourselves as a full-service agency is an important way of establishing ourselves as always being one step ahead in the multi-faceted digital landscape, but we know there are plenty of businesses out there that are keen to connect and engage with audiences that aren’t quite digitally savvy yet.

If you’re trying to communicate your message to an audience that’s unfamiliar or uncomfortable with digital (and everything that comes with it) then don’t expect it to always translate the way you’d hoped it would. You’ll need to make your message clear and your digital easy to navigate, along with plenty of non-digital ways to leave a lasting impression without excluding anyone!

Whatever route you choose to take, make sure there are layers to your marketing strategy to cover all bases, the chances are slim that one size fits all.

Have a digital inclusion strategy

Levels of digital exclusion are at an all-time high with the National Housing Federation reporting that up to 90% of jobs now require some form of computer use. So, whether it’s ensuring your website is optimised for mobile users who may not have access to a desktop or running workshops teach people how to use your technology, a digital inclusion strategy should co-exist with and inform your marketing strategy every step of the way.

For more on Digital Inclusion, see the GOV.UK blog here.


Positioned as a full-service agency, print marketing plays an important part in the services that we offer. We know that giving someone something to physically interact with, whether it be a leaflet, a magazine or an advert in the newspaper, captures their attention in a different way. It’s easy to scroll past a tweet with a link to a downloadable PDF but, put that same PDF into a print format and get it in someone’s hand, now that’s a different experience altogether.

Digital is often incredibly fast-paced and print gives people the permission to slow down and digest the read properly.

And nothing says “we’ve done this especially for you” more than a hand-written note! No easy feat if you’re sending out 5000 flyers but they’re worth including for smaller batches of high-quality print marketing.

Easing them from print to digital…

Print can be beautiful and something to cherish, but it has limits when it comes to showcasing what you can do digitally. Why not experiment with a QR code? All your reader needs is a smartphone camera to scan the code and they’ll be taken straight to a chosen digital destination. Just make sure you’re being crystal clear with a call to action and instructions on how to use it.

If a QR code isn’t your thing, a simple link will work too, it just adds the extra step of typing it into a computer but hey… think how hot that lead is if the person’s gone to all that effort for you!

And don’t forget to include your social media links, adding them in isn’t forcing them on anyone, it’s just letting people know where they can find more of you, or even how to get in touch.

Be easy to find online

This one might be the most obvious of all but if someone searches for you and your website isn’t on the first page of Google, they might be snatched away from you by a competitor before they ever make it to you!

Similarly, never assume that EVERYONE knows (or cares) which links are paid ads and which are organic. A user who isn’t digitally savvy is likely to click on the first link they see, whether it’s for your company or not so it’s also worth considering if your paid ads are set up to catch these users in the net!

Optimised landing pages

If someone isn’t comfortable with technology but you’ve somehow managed to get them onto your website, then PLEASE GOD, make sure the website is set up for optimal user experience.

Is your website easy to navigate? Does it look nice? Is it crystal clear what you do and who you are? Do you have an FAQ page or a chatbot? Clear CTA’s? If the answer to any of these is no, then you could be excluding a significant number of potential customers who have already come to you feeling apprehensive.

In fact, I’m going to go right ahead and let you know that you’re probably excluding ALL your customers if your website isn’t user-friendly.

Branded merchandise

It’s a classic but never underestimate the benefits of good merch.

There’s a lot to consider with keeping things environmentally friendly but costs down, coming up with something that makes you stand out but also something that won’t go out of date before you’ve given it all away; but well thought out and useful merch can be a strong way of getting your name out there and bringing people to you… just make sure your website is clearly stated on there if that’s your aim!

If some consumers are missing your digital touchpoints, physical ones can bridge the gap and serve as a great reminder of how to find you online.

Reaching out

It might make Millennials and Gen-Z cringe to the core… but there’s still a lot of power in picking up the phone to someone and simply telling them what you have to offer. I would suggest doing this with warmer leads who have already expressed an interest in what you do, it’s slightly less sales-y and tends to have much better results.

Think e-Commerce and basket problems, following up with an email or a phone call if the person hasn’t managed to check out could mean your product doesn’t get forgotten about. Retargeting is great, but if someone isn’t an avid surfer of the World Wide Web then how are you going to remind them that they didn’t buy that thing?!

Whether your calling out of the blue or following up on something that’s already of interest, make it as easy as possible to get hold of you. Is your phone number stated clearly on the website? Is there a person at the end of the line? I love digital, but I’ve wanted to smash my phone to smithereens on several occasions when talking to a robot… so keep this in mind when setting up your phone systems!


Hosting an event is a brilliant way of not only bringing value to your customers/clients but also getting them face to face.

If someone is apprehensive of technology, reminding them that there’s a person behind the website can be really reassuring. You could even host an open workshop to teach people how to use your new system. For those who are social media savvy and may not be able to make the event, why not stream it too? It’s an easy way of catering for all.

Tech isn’t scary, the unknown is scary and if you can make tech the known, you’ve solved your own problem.

If you’re a natural networker, then get out there! If you can meet someone face-to-face and make a good and lasting impression, you never know who they might recommend your services to. Just remember to have the focus on bringing value, no one likes a bragger! 

Be worth mentioning

It should go without mentioning, but for the sake of covering all bases… be good enough to talk about. Word of mouth marketing (which is the original Influencer Marketing) can bring you some serious kudos when people are making decisions on who to spend their money with.

If you can make your website, your customer service and your product worth talking about, it’ll scoop up the people who may have missed your digital ads and land them on your product/services regardless.

If you know there are flaws in your systems, fixing these should be your priority and the rest will follow. As I mentioned before, there’s just no point in sending out a beautiful brochure and fun merchandise if the journey from there on out is messy!

To conclude, non-digital comms are essential, but as technology progresses, a multi-layered approach to your strategies is equally as important. There’s no escaping digital, so just make sure your essential information is communicated in a variety of different ways, without excluding anyone in the process.

If you’d like to speak to one of our online or print experts, get in touch below!

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