“The MemberWise Network is both unique and different. It is an independent professional network that provides practical help and support to over 6,500 membership and association professionals based in the UK and overseas and we here at Spindogs are proud to be a member”

The MemberWise Network represents over 8,500 professionals working in around 3,000 membership organisations and associations.

The MemberWise network differentiates itself as it is led by practicing association/membership professionals and is seen by many as a thriving professional community. Thought leadership content is generated by the community, ensuring it is timely, current, targeted and robust and is a great source to inform decisions in the sector based on experience.

We’re now a Memberwise Digital Excellence Champion

Not only are we a MemberWise Recognised Supplier, we’re also pleased to announce the launch of this year’s Digital Excellence (2021) Research Project and Spindogs has been invited as an Official Champion. The research project, now in its seventh year, provides a unique opportunity for the Membership Sector to benchmark digital focused strategy and activity, and for sector suppliers to gain a statistically infomed view of the digital progress of the Membership and Association Sector.

What is The Digital Excellence (2021) Research Project

At Spindogs we are a MemberWise Recognised Supplier and the network has just launched its latest digital focused research project and we are proud to be official champions helping to gather the data and insights. The project will enable membership organisations and associations to benchmark on the following critical areas:

  • Goals Challenges and Strategy
  • Member Engagement Measurement/Scoring
  • Online Personalisation/Automation
  • Member Value and ‘Digital Only’ Memberships
  • Online Services, Online Communities & Mobile Apps
  • Virtual AGMs/Events/Conferences
  • Online Learning, CPD and Assessment/Examinations
  • Data, Web Analytics, Websites/Integration/Hosting
  • CRM/Membership Databases/AMS

The topic areas in the research project aligns closely with membership organisations solutions and offerings, providing a deeper insight and the ability to take a more informed approach to product and service development, marketing, sales, business development and an overall understanding of the sector’s digital focused needs and challenges.

To read the last report see here. The report provides a targeted and content rich snap-shot of association and membership organisation online goals, challenges, development and progress and a taster for what you can expect for the next report.

We are excited to take part and look forward to seeing the latest report offering more insight into how we can help our clients in the membership sector. If you’d like to see the work we have done in the membership sector take a look at our whitepaper here and if we can use our expertise and knowledge to help your next project please get in touch, we’d love to chat.

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