2017: A year in Support

The Spindogs Support Team are an essential part of our success – they make sure our clients are happy, and everything is running smoothly each day. Sometimes even on weekends, and during holidays. With an ever increasing number of projects going live all the time, and a client base which grows every day, the superheroes on our Support Team face greater challenges and celebrate greater achievements.

As we burst into the New Year full speed ahead, we take some time to look back on 2017 and review the Support highlights:

The fantastic four

Since the lovely Jen joined the Spindogs ranks, our team of amazing Support-ers is now four people strong and ready to resolve any issues that come their way!

Between themselves they have closed 4409 tickets this year, at an average closing rate of 5.2 days. They are also well versed at working with Umbraco, and using all the bespoke CMS features that are added to each new Umbraco site that goes live.

Live action heroes

Our Support heroes sent out 297 quotes, and helped launch 76 new websites. In fact, in the three weeks before Christmas alone they completed 8 go lives – the most they’ve done in a single month all year!

Jack(s) of all trades

They have also implemented 34 SSL certificates, executed 6 social media integrations and held 10 training sessions for our clients. As an expansion to the site-specific CMS training our Support team hold for clients, they are now finalising WordPress Training sessions will become available to the public within the next few months. These will be ran similarly to the social media, PPC and SEO training offered by our online marketing team, and will cover basic WordPress features through a mixture of a presentation and hands-on work with a basic WordPress website created specifically for training purposes.

Role models

Our Support Team Leader, Ben, took part in Spindogs’ Digital Day in November. Along with our Marketing Manager, Emily, he ventured out to St Julian’s School in Newport and worked with the kids there, setting briefs and presenting ideas related to the digital industry.

spinDOGS Support

Last, but not least, our furry friend tally shows that the members of our Support team have had the good fortune to cuddle 6 (!!!) dogs over the course of 2017!


Next time you are visiting the Spindogs office, pop your head in and say hello to our Support superheroes!

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