This June the tech world embraced the summer season integrating everything from weddings to sport! Here is a quick look at the top news that we loved at Spindogs!

1. Social Media goes crazy for the World Cup

At HQ everyone has been talking about the World Cup, and after our office sweepstake we have all been keeping an eye on our team via social media! Twitter jumped on the opportunity to keep us updated with the matches as we were offered World Cup timelines and hashflags

This promotion saw results before a player had even kicked a ball as there had already been more posts about the upcoming tournament than in 2010. Statistics also show that 60% of UK viewers tweet whilst they are watching the games, so it is hardly surprising that Twitter jumped on the bandwagon!

2. Google+ gets insights

Now that Google+ is the second largest social media network it was time to give us an insight into how our content is performing. In mid-June Google announced that Google Insights would be the new tool for Google + users to monitor their social content.

Insights is able to create  reports which  help us tailor and optimise our content, as it measures page impressions, what types of posts receive high levels of engagement and an overview of follower’s demographics.  It will be interesting to see how this develops in the next few months!

3. Sony outsells their rival Nintendo

In an unsurprising twist for gamers it was revealed that Sony had finally outsold Nintendo for the first time in eight years.

Sony has sold 18.7 million systems in the last financial year compared with Nintendo’s 16.3 million video game machines. This was due to Sony’s PlayStation 4 emerging as the bestselling “new-gen” console and the demand for Nintendo’s Wii U decreasing.

However Xbox remains the most popular at HQ!

4. Google Glass lands in the UK

After Google Glass was made available in the US last month, Google decided to let the UK have a part of the action! This development means that the UK is only the second country to test the Android-powered eyewear.

As it’s still in its prototype stages and costs a substantial £1,000 it is currently aimed more at the developer than the consumer. We will just have to wait that bit longer to get our hands on the final version!

5. A record breaking Instagram photo!

It was the celebrity wedding of the decade, so when Kim Kardashian and Kanye West posted a romantic snap of their day it easily managed to gain a record number of ‘likes’.

In just 24 hours the photo received approximately  2 million ‘likes’ and was shared around the world instantly. Nevertheless it takes a lot of time to achieve the perfect Instagram photo, Kanye has since revealed that it took four days to edit!

Well, that is certainly a different way to spend your honeymoon…

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