There are several reasons why you may choose to get a bespoke system created for your company to use. For example, you may not have a system in place that collects and segments customer data the way you need it to, or you might not have found the right tool to manage the quality of your operations. If you can’t find one that fulfils your requests and supports your business operations, then getting your own system developed may be a wise option. We’ve listed below the benefits of developing a bespoke system for your business.

Works exactly how you need it to

There are lots of systems that promise to solve your problem or reinvent the operations of your business. However, do they have the technical capability that you need or do they fit the nuances of your specific business? Having your own bespoke system means that you can get it to work the way you want. The system is tailored to meet your needs and requirements and solve your business problem. At Spindogs, we tailor our solutions based on our clients’ needs. We work with you to identify your problem and develop a system to solve it.

Integrates with existing platforms

There are many systems out there that work great on their own but don’t necessarily work with your current infrastructure. As a business, you may have several other internal and external platforms that you use to operate your business, for example, Xero, Microsoft Dynamics, etc, and you need a system that speaks to these. Having a bespoke system designed and developed to fit in within your current infrastructure can ensure that it integrates with existing platforms, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), accounting, data visualisation, e-learning platforms and process management auditing tools.

Improves productivity

The aim of creating a bespoke system is that it should solve your business’s problem, whether it’s reducing the amount of time it takes to enter data, automating the validation of data, generating web accessible reporting platforms, or quality checking your processes. A bespoke system should help streamline the operations of your business and improve the productivity of your team.

It’s unique

One of the main benefits of creating a bespoke system is that it is YOURS. A bespoke system is completely unique to your business, meaning it will work how you need it to, to support your operations.

Reduces your costs

Creating a bespoke system helps reduce your outgoings in your website strategy. You may be paying for multiple systems that support you with the operations of your business. A bespoke system can replace all of these systems and help with everything you need to run your business, from managing customer relationships and data to quality checking your processes and reducing your outgoings.

There are plenty of systems out there that promise to improve your team’s productivity and efficiencies and harness the power of your data, but not all of them might be right for you or provide a solution to your problem. If you’re thinking about creating a bespoke solution to your problem, get in touch with us and we can give you more information about what a project like this entails and what to consider.

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