We’re pleased to announce that as of 11th November 2022, Spindogs were successfully audited by an approved third party and are now Cyber Essentials Plus (CE+) Certified, the enhanced and audited version of Cyber Essentials

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed scheme that is designed to demonstrate organisations have sensible measures in place to protect against cyber-attacks, and protect sensitive information such as financial information and customer data. For certification, an organisation needs to demonstrate that they have five technical controls implemented and that they are working sufficiently to stop any risk of threat. 

The five technical controls include firewalls, secure configuration of systems, user access control, malware protection, and security update management.

Cyber Essentials vs Cyber Essentials Plus – What’s the difference?

There are two levels of certifications: Cyber Essentials Basic and Cyber Essentials Plus.

Cyber Essentials Basic is a self-assessment certification that helps you assess and align your organisation’s information security against the five technical controls. 

Cyber Essentials Plus (CE+), however, is a step above the Basic certificate and is the highest level of certification offered under the government scheme. This involves an external audit of your system by a highly trained assessor, to confirm that all controls that have been declared in Cyber Essentials are implemented on the organisation’s network. This certification is regarded as more reliable due to its external verification measures.

Cyber Essentials Plus

You’re In Safe Hands

Our Cyber Essentials + certification comes after a successful audit by an independent third party, and a test of the technical and procedural controls that we have in place.

We take cyber security seriously, and these accreditations provide further reassurance to our clients that our cyber defences will protect against the risk posed by cyber-attacks and that any data that may get shared with us, is in safe hands.

Our Cyber Essentials Plus certification can be verified on the National Cyber Security Centre website.

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