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Do you need to develop a digital marketing strategy for your business, but don’t know where to start? In today’s world, having a strong online presence is essential for business and revenue growth, whether you are a bricks and mortar business or you operate solely online.

There are a lot of resources out there packed with hints, tips and templates to help you market your business online. Take a closer look and they are more business than marketing strategies, requiring forecasting and data analysis. When you’re just starting to test the waters of digital marketing, committing to a full fat strategy is overwhelming and, quite simply, impractical for fast growing and agile businesses.

The best place to start is at the very beginning and this short article is a whistle-stop tour of the digital marketing strategy landscape.

Before investing in digital marketing, is your website primed for conversion?

Your website is the hub of your business activity and where profitable transactions take place, whether that’s selling products or services, or people leaving their details for you to get in touch and kickstart that relationship offline.

Whilst digital marketing drives traffic to the website, the goal of your website is to turn those visitors into paying customers. Digital marketing strategies start with a landing page, so called because traffic lands on the designated page optimised for conversion. Here’s three easy ways to optimise your website for conversion.

Content marketing

Essential for driving traffic to your website, driving sales and adding value, content marketing is the creation of engaging, relevant and valuable content for your target audiences, whether that’s landing pages, site content, social media, blog posts or news articles.

Figuring out the best content for your audiences to drive profitable action starts out by having a content strategy, and ensuring that content planning ties into other aspects of your marketing strategy, including SEO and email marketing.

Paid online marketing

The best way to generate inbound traffic to your website (and ultimately leads), paid online advertising covers several strategies, including pay per click (PPC) advertising, social media advertising, sponsored content and remarketing.

At its core, paid online advertising targets your audience where they are most likely to be active. Think about any special offers or USPS that would entice people to click-through to learn more. Learn more about leveraging personalisation in advertising

Search engine optimisation

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the strategy of getting your website’s content to rank in search engines to drive more traffic to your website. A successful SEO strategy relies on knowing what your target audience is searching for, and this is discovered through keyword research, which forms the basis for an SEO strategy.

All aspects of a digital marketing strategy feed into each other, and an SEO strategy informs the production of strong, high-quality content that generates traffic and engages readers into action.

Email marketing

Still one of the most effective digital marketing channels, email marketing is one of the highest converting tools for many businesses. Most of that’s down to its ability to nurture long term relationships with customers, developing a currency of loyalty to maximise opportunities for upselling, and is especially important for businesses that have a longer lead in before sale. Our Online Marketing team on the good, bad and ugly (mostly good) of email marketing.


A fancy term for data crunching, analytics is the insight and reporting aspect of a digital marketing strategy. This is where you track the performance of your online campaigns, whether that’s sales, engagement or brand awareness, to get the in-depth knowledge you need to plan your next steps.

Start here

The best way forward is to get strategic advice from marketers who take the time to get to know your business – and that’s where we’re here to help. Learn more about our Online Marketing Services.

Need some help? Get in touch with our team of marketing experts below.

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