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The importance of PPC campaign management

PPC campaigns have the potential to produce fantastic results for your business. With no need to compete for the top spot on organic search engine results, PPC campaigns are often considered a guaranteed way of getting your business in front of your target audience. It’s no wonder so many businesses are turning to PPC to increase their traffic and boost their conversions. 

However, before you can reap the benefits of your PPC campaigns, you need to understand the importance of PPC campaign management. 

Track your performance

Like any digital marketing activity, it’s worth keeping a watchful eye on the KPIs or Key Performance Indicators. Common KPIs for PPC campaigns include Click-Through Rate, Conversion rate and Cost Per Click, with each shedding light on the overall performance of your ads. By monitoring these metrics as part of your PPC campaign management, you can determine when your ads are performing well and when they need optimising. 

Stick to your budget

Monitoring your ad spend is a key part of PPC campaign management, and will tell you when you’re overspending or underspending your budget. Overspending on your PPC campaign could mean you have to limit other areas of your digital marketing strategy. Whereas, underspending could provide you with the opportunity to review your ad set up and take advantage of your leftover budget. Either way, checking in on your PPC campaigns will enable you to stick to your allocated budget. 

 Keep it relevant

When creating a PPC campaign, it’s vital you weed out any irrelevant search terms by adding them to your negative keyword lists. This will ensure your ads only appear for searches relevant to your business and products, as well as reach your target audience. 

Adding to your negative keyword lists will also confirm you’re not wasting your budget on irrelevant searches, allowing you to get the most out of your money. 

Stay in the competition

Once you have your ads set up with your chosen keywords, you might be tempted to sit back and relax, whilst your ads do all the work. However, keyword performance constantly fluctuates and needs regular management. In doing so, you can ensure you’re using the most relevant keywords in your PPC campaigns, keeping your ads in front of your target audience. 

React to disapprovals

Recently, Google has been cracking down on PPC campaigns and flagging ads left, right and centre. Whether you have too many exclamation points or a headline over 25 characters, your ads could be at risk of being disapproved. When flagging your ads, Google will either classify them as ineligible or legible but limited. This means your ads will either not get shown at all or be released to a limited audience. 

With PPC campaign management, you can make sure you’ve received approval and quickly react if you haven’t. By either fixing your ads or appealing the ruling, you can get your campaign back up and running as quickly as possible, to continue generating results. 

Need support managing your PPC campaigns?

If you’ve recently started PPC campaigns but are struggling to keep on top of the management, then we can help. At Spindogs, we have a dedicated team of PPC experts who can take over the day-to-day running of your PPC campaigns, as well as make sure they’re optimised to generate the best results. Find out more about our PPC services and how we can help you make the most out of your PPC campaigns.

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