The Challenge
World Squash Officiating wanted a system that would automate the process and allow aspiring squash referees to read the learning materials, take the tests and get the certificate online. The manual process meant that the World Squash Officiating team had to test and verify candidates themselves, which was time-consuming and inefficient. We looked at the different options and technology available, but it was clear that World Squash Officiating would benefit from a self-service website with a bespoke system that automated the process for them.
The Process
World Squash Officiating had a mountain of learning materials that needed to be organised in the system and categorised on the website. As there are different levels of becoming a referee, these learning materials also had to be segmented accordingly. These learning materials and resources were also in various formats, such as events, text, video demonstrations, etc. The website needed to act as a learning platform where users could go to, complete assessments and officiate as a referee. To ensure we create a multimedia e-learning platform, we had to work with third-party providers to gather the resources and organise them in the system. We also needed to integrate the system with the current payment platform to make it a business. Users have to pay to access the learning materials and get to the next stage, and this had to be considered in the journey.
The Solution
World Squash Officiating wanted to create a website where users could interact with the learning modules and complete assessments themselves, and be scored and given a certificate online. This meant that the team required a bespoke solution that would talk to the main website. We needed to create a system where the team could upload learning materials and content in WordPress, and users would be able to edit the questions and complete answers based on the videos they’ve watched. The system would then read and translate this information into data to create the learning area and assessments, removing what the team would have to do manually as part of the qualifying process.
The Result
The Spindogs development team created something more than a brochure website – it’s now a website where users can achieve something from using it. By creating a bespoke system, not only have we transformed the way that users qualify as squash referees, but we have streamlined the process for the World Squash Officiating team too. The automated system means that the team now doesn’t have to carry out the manual tasks of sharing learning materials, taking payments and giving out certificates.