Don’t leave your marketing strategy to chance

Most organisations recognise the need for consistent marketing. Whether it’s attracting new customers or simply communicating with those you already have, marketing fundamentals are directly linked to the success of your business.  

With that in mind, it’s surprising that many organisations are often happy to settle for default when it comes to marketing. There may be some internal resource focused on maintaining social media channels, or a sales team putting together some web copy, but with little focus or intent other than ‘we need to be doing something’.  

Without a considered marketing strategy ‘something’ might as well be ‘nothing’, but with an added cost base. For organisations without marketing leadership, an outsourced or part time marketing manager may be a good solution, but an informed marketing strategy should be an integral part of your business leadership regardless. Aligned to business objectives and brand proposition, the marketing strategy is the means by which you will realise your vision, and Spindogs are well-placed to support you on that journey. 

Outsourced marketing strategy – Benefit from cross-sector marketing expertise

Our team of marketing experts are regularly required to devise, enact and review marketing strategies for our recurring clients. Moving seamlessly between sectors they have an unrivalled breadth of knowledge that can be transferred as and when objective and opportunity dictates. 

Our marketing managers can work with you to devise an appropriate outsourced marketing strategy. While some may require a 100-page document with detailed breakdowns of tactical delivery, others may need top-level direction and a third-party voice to ensure they align with business objectives. No matter the need, our approach remains the same: 

Audience-centric and objective-led

We work closely with both leadership and marketing teams to understand your objectives, your key differentiators, and audiences, cand assess you current activity, resources and capabilities. This provides your marketing strategy with greater depth.

We support this with insights and data, drawn from your existing digital performance, or through speaking directly to customers. We’re strong advocates of audience-first thinking and, by better understanding your audiences, we tailor marketing strategies to meet their specific needs.   

Strategic, big picture thinking

By focusing on your audience – what they want as a customer, the channels they use, the language they best respond to – we are able to immediately think bigger. Rather than approaching marketing as a set of channels to fill, your marketing strategy will consider the most appropriate options and the most opportune times to make your message heard. 

We’re channel agnostic, and despite having a fantastic digital marketing team, if an event is the best solution, we’ll recommend it. If sponsorship will get you where you need to go, it’s in the plan. 

Actionable tactical planning

While our bigger picture thinking guides the direction of travel, it’s also important to consider the tactical specifics too. The scope of your strategy could include a detailed blogging plan, a multi-touchpoint social calendar or in-depth keyword research – all make your marketing strategy actionable. 

Supporting your team to deliver against your marketing goals, either as an outsourced marketing manager, or simply by providing clear guidance in the strategy is key. We will work with your marketing team to ensure they understand their role in helping you meet your objectives.  

Measurable and adaptable

While your marketing strategy should be a strong jumping off point for all marketing activity, there’s no value in blindly following a plan down a dead-end. Regular review points are recommended, and when you work with us on a recurring basis, are built in.   

However, understanding what you are reviewing is just as important as taking the time to review. Your marketing strategy will contain guidance on KPIs and recommendations on how to measure the success of your activity, ensuring that your decision-making is informed and investment in marketing is protected. 

Marketing support at your fingertips

Who better to help you implement your brand-new marketing strategy, than the team who helped devise it? While we excel in supporting in-house teams with specialist digital marketing support, we can also take some of the day-to-day legwork away too. From graphic design to content creation, there are a range of regular and recurring marketing support options available.

Can you afford to park your marketing strategy?

Marketing is a tempting first port of call when cutting back, but it is proven that investing in marketing during difficult times (Google ‘marketing budget in a recession’) provides a stronger platform for growth in the future, and enables you to gain advantage on your competitors.  

Ask yourself, can you afford not to implement a marketing strategy? Is your marketing currently set to ‘default’? Is your marketing aligned to your business objectives? If not, then we need to have a conversation… 

Outsource your marketing strategy